The Magic of Skin-to-Skin Contact: 8 Reasons Why It’s Incredible for Babies

As parents and caregivers, we’re always searching for the best ways to nurture and care for our little ones. One practice that has been proven to have remarkable benefits for babies is skin-to-skin contact. The simple, yet powerful act of holding your child against your skin offers fantastic advantages that promote their growth, comfort, and development. Let’s explore eight compelling reasons why skin-to-skin contact is truly magical for babies.

1. Regulates Body Temperature 

A baby’s ability to regulate their body temperature can sometimes be challenging, especially during the early stages of life. Skin-to-skin contact acts as a natural thermostat, with the mother’s body adjusting to warm or cool the baby as needed. This direct connection helps regulate their body temperature and keeps them comfortably snug throughout the lesson. 

2. Reduces Stress 

Babies, like all of us, can experience stress and discomfort. The soothing effect of skin-to-skin contact helps reduce stress hormones, creating a sense of calm and relaxation for your little one. The warmth of your embrace provides security, soothing your baby making them feel safe and loved. 

3. Boosts Immune System 

The power of touch goes beyond emotional comfort – it also has a positive impact on your baby’s physical well-being. Skin-to-skin contact has been linked to a strengthened immune system, thanks to the transfer of helpful microbes from your skin to theirs. This natural boost helps to build a better defense against potential illnesses and supports their overall well-being. 

4. Regulates Breathing 

For newborns, learning to regulate breathing is an important developmental milestone. Skin-to-skin contact helps synchronize your breathing with your baby’s, promoting a steady rhythm. This synchronization is believed to have a positive effect on their respiratory system development.  

5. Promotes Bonding 

The intimate connection created through skin-to-skin is a bonding experience like no other. Holding your baby close fosters a deep emotional connection and builds a foundation of trust, security, and love that will last a lifetime. At Water Babies, we see firsthand how these close moments during lessons can create lasting memories and strengthen the parent-child bond. This closeness also stimulates the production of oxytocin, the “love hormone” which plays a key role in nurturing the bond with your baby. 

6. Supports Breastfeeding Success 

For breastfeeding parents, skin-to-skin contact can be a natural aid for breastfeeding success. The proximity encourages your baby’s natural instincts, making it easier for them to latch on effectively. The “love hormone” mentioned earlier, also plays a key role in milk production, supporting breastfeeding efforts.  

7. Reduces Crying 

Babies often feel overwhelmed by the newness of the world around them. The comfort provided by skin-to-skin contact helps reduce crying by offering the comfort and reassurance your little one needs to feel safe.  

8. Stabilizes Heart Rate 

The gentle touch and soothing embrace of skin-to-skin contact helps babies feel more secure and stabilize their heart rate, keeping it within a healthy range.  


At Water Babies, we’re passionate about providing the best experiences for you and your little ones. Our focus on promoting skin-to-skin contact during our lessons stems from the remarkable benefits it offers. Our favourite skills and lovely songs like “Incy Wincy Spider” and “This Little Piggy” create joyful moments that enhance the magic of this practice. 

Source: UNICEF UK’s the Baby Friendly Initiative (