Navigating Learning Plateaus in Your Water Baby’s Swimming Journey

If at some point during your little one’s swimming journey, you ever feel like they’ve stopped making progress, fear not – We all feel that way occasionally! Your child has hit a learning plateau! In this blog post we’ll discuss the concept of learning plateaus; understand why they occur and equip you with some Water Babies strategies.

Understanding Learning Plateaus 

A learning plateau is a temporary phase when your little one’s progression slows down or stops altogether. It’s a natural part of the learning process that even adults experience. Just like us, their little brains need time to process and reinforce the new information gained every day, at school, at home or in our case, during their swim lessons. 

How to Overcome a Learning Plateau 

How can you overcome this plateau and get your child’s swimming journey back on track? Here are some Water Babies tips to help you and your little one: 

  • Constant Encouragement. Shower your baby with positivity and encouragement. Let them know they’re doing an amazing job! Positive reinforcement can go a long way in boosting their confidence.  
  • Don’t Rush. Every child is unique, and so is their learning journey (click here to read our blog post on this topic– insert link here). Allow them to progress at their own speed. 
  • When they’re ready, we’re ready. It’s okay if they are not ready for certain skills. With your teacher’s help, we’ll find alternatives or offer regressions while your child processes the new information. It’s also a perfect opportunity to reinforce the skills they’ve learnt until they’re more prepared and confident.  
  • Observe & Learn. If your little one is not participating in all the exercises, let them observe others. Watching their classmates can be a great learning experience too and can inspire them to try new things! 
  • Free Water Play. Let them enjoy water freely outside of lessons. Whether it’s bathtime or at a community center, we encourage our swimmers to swim outside of class because these moments are a chance to remind them how fun water can be! Practice skills and activities they like, play with toys, and spend time just the both of you together. It allows our swimmers to go at their own pace and not feel overwhelmed. 
  • Keep Swimming. Most importantly, keep swimming! Consistent practice is key to overcoming plateaus. 


Remember, learning plateaus are a normal part of their swimming journey. With a little patience, encouragement, and some fun water play, your child will overcome the plateau and reignite their enthusiasm for swimming. Keep swimming!